
Thursday, May 30, 2013

Mother's Day Gifts

When it comes to giving gifts in my family, it can get a little pricey and overwhelming. 
Our immediate family on my side and my hubby's side is a total of about 51 family members. That's a lot!

So every year for Christmas, Mother's Day, and Father's Day, I try to think of a theme and provide everyone with the same gift. I figured out that if you buy things in bulk in can be cheaper, and it for sure beats trying to figure out what to get each individual person.

So for example, this past Christmas every family got a popcorn holder with candy/chocolate and movie tickets. I bought the bulk candy and movie tickets at Costco. Everyone enjoys going to the movies, so I thought it would be great that each family go together and hang out.

This past mother's day, I spent days trying to think of a cute gifts to give to the moms. I brainstormed a little on what a mom means. I came across an anchor image, and thought a mother is like an anchor. 
I decided to give anchors as part of the gift.

I have 7 sister's, one passed away when she was 2 years old, but I still count her in. With their gifts, I wanted to add a little something extra.

I love Etsy,  lot's of creative people on there. I came across this shop, and ordered these bracelets.

My idea was to create a little card and describe each element of the bracelet. 

I typed up the card in Spanish, but this is what it says in English

Anchor- A mother is like an anchor to her children, in a low tide or in a high tide, she always keeps them grounded.
Rope- The rope/string on the bracelet means that a women knows she is strong for the journey, but a women of strength, she knows that the journey is what makes her strong.
Love- A mother's love is forever and unconditional
A little something extra
Infinity charm- Whether we have good times or bad times, tears or laughs, we will always be sisters, and the angel symbolized Elizabeth (sister that passed away), she will forever be our sister and our angel.

With my silhouette cameo, I made these boxes to place the card in.

 For my niece and sister in laws, they got these anchor bracelets. Bracelets are from the same shop 

They also got little notebooks with a their name and an inspiring quote.
I printed the images and modge podge them on the notebooks.

All the moms, were touched and that made me feel great!

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