
Saturday, April 20, 2013

A little bit of toy organizing

I was going a little crazy when my son would dump out all his toys in order to look for a specific hot wheels car or a specific "guy".  So I decided to do some organizing, and asked him for his help. It was also a good teaching lesson of categorizing same objects in different piles.

So we got to work.....
I already had some tote boxes, but I went to the store and bought a few more, which I knew I would need. Excuse my photos, they are not the greatest :(

Here are are half of the toys after we starting organizing

Here is a furniture piece where I ended up storing most of the tote boxes. I stored some more in another furniture piece in the family room.
I personally don't like to have all the toys visible, so if I can put hide them I will :)

I made my labels using the silhouette cameo, put them on the boxes. 
Now it's easy for my son to find what his looking for, and when his done, he knows where it goes.

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