
Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Hawaiin Tropic removes pen ink

Who would have thought that Hawaiian Tropic Tanning Lotion removes pen ink? Well it does. I was in the kitchen washing dishes. A while ago, we had removed any markers and pens from our toddlers reach. Unfortunately he got a hold of a pen and decided to write on one of our little foot ottoman. He called me and I turned around and noticed what he had done. I started to freak out. I got Clorox wipes, no luck. Baby wipes, no luck. Water with soap, no luck. I went outside where my husband was to tell him what happened, he was upset and we figured the ottoman was ruined and we had to throw it  out.
I went online and and googled my problem. On one of the chat rooms a reply said to use tanning lotion, but very little of it or it will start cracking the material. I figured it wouldn't hurt to try a section so I did. It came off sooo quickly. It did crack the material a bit but not much.
Our ottomans are saved. I wish I would have taken before and after pictures, but I was not thinking about blogging it at that time.

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